Because one must write about trades: The Luka Doncic-Anthony Davis deal that blindsided a nation

Wild night at work, wild night in the NBA.  Just another day at the office. All NBA geeks remember where they were when blockbuster trades went down.  In the past, I’ve written about where I was when I heard Shaquille Continue reading Because one must write about trades: The Luka Doncic-Anthony Davis deal that blindsided a nation

The night we saw the greatest basketball player on the planet, or what Nikola Jokic, Bob Ross and George Clinton all have in common

Poor Jonathan Isaac. And by poor, I don’t mean in the literal sense of the word. Jonathan Isaac is a God-fearing young man who makes $25 million a year playing for the Orlando Magic. I mean poor in the proverbial Continue reading The night we saw the greatest basketball player on the planet, or what Nikola Jokic, Bob Ross and George Clinton all have in common

Angry Gambler, Part II:  Hawks Roll Knicks; Trae Rolls Dice

There’s been plenty of discussion lately about the worthiness of the NBA mid-season tournament.  Are teams more interested in winning this thing or would they rather skip out on the trip to Vegas and get a week’s rest? Clearly, the Continue reading Angry Gambler, Part II:  Hawks Roll Knicks; Trae Rolls Dice

The inexact science of the NFL quarterback

Despite the magic of this NFL season, with Josh Allen continuing to amaze, Saquon Barkley flirting with the all-time single season rushing record while hurdling defenders backwards and the Chiefs once again locking up a one-seed while rarely shifting into Continue reading The inexact science of the NFL quarterback

The Most Important Football Draft Ever: A Playoff Contest

As with any change in command, I reached out to Kevin at The Wife Hates Sports, giving him a conciliatory and congratulatory phone call for his season’s success.  He edged me out in this year’s pick ‘em contest, the bastard. Continue reading The Most Important Football Draft Ever: A Playoff Contest

2024 Week Seventeen College and NFL Pick ‘Em: The Barber’s Cut

We’ll keep this week’s intro short and sweet as we’re all probably recovering from quality time spent with family while simultaneously fearing that next Amazon statement.  Fortunately, we have multiple, consecutive days of glorious football to keep us occupied. This Continue reading 2024 Week Seventeen College and NFL Pick ‘Em: The Barber’s Cut

The Angry Gambler Series, Part One: I Say Let Them Play

I’d like to introduce you to a new series entitled “The Angry Gambler.” You see it everywhere these days, conversations online or overheard in person, where a sports fan, who would otherwise have no rooting interest in the outcome of Continue reading The Angry Gambler Series, Part One: I Say Let Them Play

2024 Week Sixteen College and NFL Pick ‘Em: David Bradley, Magic Fan

As we stumble into the end of this football season, all bloodied and battered, broke as a joke and trying to find out where things went so dreadfully wrong, it’s safe to call 2024 unpredictable at best, wallet-emptying at worst.  Continue reading 2024 Week Sixteen College and NFL Pick ‘Em: David Bradley, Magic Fan