Your Daily SportsChumpdate – June 23, 2009: Glover, US Soccer, Fehr, Blake, Klitschko, Plax and Griffin

ball-2511 After a rain-delayed tournament, Lucas Glover of Clemson University held on to win golf’s U.S. Open Monday afternoon.  It was the first major victory of his career.  Glover, who landed a $1,350,000 paycheck, had only one previous tour win since turning pro in 2005.  Phil Mickelson, and the resurgent David Duval, both placed second while Tiger Woods ended up tied for sixth.  Only five golfers finished under par for the tournament.


ball-2512After getting beaten soundly by both Brazil and Italy, US Soccer miraculously advanced to the FIFA Confederations Cup semifinals by beating Egypt 3-0.  In order to advance, an unlikely series of events needed to occur, including beating Egypt by 3 goals, outscoring Italy by 3 on Sunday, having Brazil beat Italy by 3, and then beating Italy in a goals scored tie-breaker which they did 4-3.  The U.S. will play top-ranked Spain on Wednesday.


ball-2513Donald Fehr is stepping down as Executive Director of Major League Baseball Player’s Association.  Fehr, the players’ chief negotiator, held this position since 1985.  He represented the players union during the World Series cancellation in 1994 and was largely responsible for average annual salaries increasing tenfold over the past twenty-five.  Buster Olney called it correctly when saying Fehr leaves behind a “mixed legacy.”


ball-251417th ranked American James Blake lost in the opening round of Wimbledon, marking the second straight major in which he was eliminated in the first round.  An American male has not won a major tournament since Andy Roddick won the U.S. Open in 2003.  Defending champion Rafael Nadal had pulled out of Wimbledon due to injury, leaving five-time champion Roger Federer as a significant favorite to win it all.  On the women’s side, both Venus and Serena Williams, who have combined to win seven of the last nine Wimbledon singles titles, are still in contention.


ball-2515Wladimir Klitschko (53-3, 47 KO’s) successfully defended his WBO, IBF and IBO titles this weekend in a ten-round TKO victory over Ruslan Chagaev in front of 61,000 fans at the Schalke 04 stadium in Germany.  It was the largest crowd to view a boxing event at that venue since Max Schmeling fought there in 1939, which coincidentally might have been the last time anyone paid attention to the heavyweight division.


ball-2517The NBA Draft is Wednesday night.  While Oklahoma power forward, Blake Griffin, is likely the Los Angeles Clippers’ number one pick, after him things get a little dicey.  Talented Spanish point guard Ricky Rubio has publicly stated he would not play for the Memphis Grizzlies, which means the Grizz may opt for 7-foot-3 former UConn center Hasheem Thabeet with their second pick.


ball-2516Football fans nationwide continue to wager on whether legally troubled Michael Vick, Plaxico Burress or Donte Stallworth will return to play in the NFL first.


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19 Replies to “Your Daily SportsChumpdate – June 23, 2009: Glover, US Soccer, Fehr, Blake, Klitschko, Plax and Griffin”

  1. Although Tiger and Phil made the Open really interesting, I think everyone should take a look at how hard it is to win a major. After seeing Ricky Barnes blow a six shot lead and vertually emplode down the stretch, it truly shows just how hard it is to win on the PGA Tour. Cudos to Luke Glover for hanging on to win.

  2. Chris aka sportschump ………

    I was under the impression that recalls and do-overs don’t happen unless there’s been a fraudulent act ?
    As in the ’00 Presidential election…LOL,LOL,LOL !!!

    But then again we’re talking about a meaningless soccer competition. Wake me up when the World Cup starts in S Africa. I hear that Obama has accepted an invitation to attend ? Boy is that now gonna pis_s off the right wingers .

    Watching heavyweight boxing to me is now like walking in on your deaf grandma while she’s naked. And all this while she’s trying to pleasure herself using a vegetable . You know what you’re going to see is going to be rather unsightly and totally unnecessary.

    As for James Blake , well what more can one say ? He’s not won anything of merit since he began his career.

    Vick , Stallworth and Buress are now awaiting to see whether or not they’ll become registered members of the NRA. Rumor has it that Charlton Heston’ll go to bat on their behalf.

    As for the NBA draft as there’s no beauty pageant or talent contest involved it all becomes mute to me anyway. I’ll wait ’til they get half a season under their belts before casting judgement as with regard to their futures.

    How is that Fehr can walk quietly off into the sunset we think. But an ol’ fart like Cheney still wants to be heard ? Hasn’t he done enough damaage to the country as it is already ?

    I’m trying to knock out as many pieces as I can in order to get the traffic needed within the site. It’d appear that Joey and some of the guys aren’t necessarily all that up to speed on a lot of topics.

    So here’s a stab at a few that I’ve chosen.

    Strawberries And Cream, All The Pomp, Ceremony And Circumstance That Is Wimbledon …

    Well It’s About Time Perhaps Selig Can Take The Hint ?

    Now I know why it is that Hef and Eagles’ wide receiver Hank Basket like Kendra Wilkinson. I’d definitely tap that a_ss !

    God she’s made my day !

    Montage of Kendra Wilknson pics.

    Enjoy bro really do your best to enjoy.

    Alan ………..

  3. Brotha E… when I looked up Glover’s numbers to check on his level of obscurity, I was surprised to see he has actually won some money on the tour over the past several years.

    Glover has finally given them a reason to party in Clemson, South Carolina. We know their football team sure hasn’t.

  4. Al… keep coming up with classics like those last comments and you’re website will be getting plenty of traffic.

    Deaf, naked grandmas? Fraudulent elections? Heston chilling with Plax?


  5. Chris aka sportschump …..

    At my time of life save when the girlfriend is skimpily dressed and wanting me put a tappin’ on her pipes. I’m aghast that I can still come up those witticisms .

    I guess if this day job doesn’t work out . I could always decide to be a gag writer for Charlie Murphy , Chris Rock or perhaps even Chappelle ? But then again those guys seem to have had a good career thus far without an assist from me.

    You’ll note that I didn’t mention Charlie’s brother Eddie ? As his career has gone so far down the crapper that you’d need a plunger to even resurrect what semblance of a career and dignity that he might have left. How can a guy who made such films Raw , 48HRS , Coming To America, The Nutty Professor , The Nutty Pofessor (II)..Meet The Klumps and Beverly Hill Cop I &II have fallen so fast in such a short period of time ? Hercules , Hercules ! lol, lol ,lol !!!

    I know that he’s knocked boots with Scary Spice (she had his kid) and then married and now allegedly divorced Tracy Edmonds. I guess that the head he’s now often using isn’t the one above his shoulders ?

    Come on now Heston and Plax probably have got a lot in common. They’re like homies you know. Just the same way like Mitt Romney tried to engratiate himself with the African Americans in a suburb of Detroit during Republican Presidential nomination process. That was so laughable that the only thing that I may have found funnier is Mike Huckabee trying to tell me how he’d deal with the economy. I almost lost a friggin’ ‘nad it was so funny.

    What Huckabee knows about macro-economics can be written on the back of a first class stamp and posted for all of the use it’d do.

    Would you be prepared to take ride on this particular vehicle ?

    Toccara Jones ….

    Come on now what you waitin’ for ?

    You’ve got to be at least this high to mount up ….if you know what I mean ?

    More of Toccara as a montage .

    Alan ………

    Alan …………….

  6. Chris aka sportschump …

    It warms my heart to know that Jess’ Simpson really has something in store Tony Romo this upcoming season. She’s about to become a stay at home has been or never was as the case may be. Apart from once again having a ‘hot bod’ what the hell has she ever done to deserve all this attention ?

    I mean her career has disappeared faster than that of Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer and Rockwell combined. But at least Rockwell has his dad’s money to live off. As he’ll one day inherit what’s left of Berry Gordy’s estate.

    Here’s my take on the erstwhile Cowboys. No doubt the idiots within the four letter network and beyond are prepared to make ’em the presumptive favorites within the NFC to win it all. When will those morons learn ? Those weenies in Dallas haven’t won a playoff game in a decade. And they’re not liable to change that scenario anytime soon for that matter !

    Well They Are America’s Team At Least They Want Us To Beleive That They Are …….

    What can be more special than being on the beach watching the girls of Victoria’s Secret showing off their wares ?

    The Girls of Victoria’s Secret on South Beach …

    I hope you love Miranda Kerr ?

    Here’s vid of her .

    Victoria’s secret model Miranda Kerr ….

    Miranda Kerr pics below 1 thru’ 5

    1 Miranda Kerr


    3 ..



    She’s said to be dating Orlando Bloom from ‘Pirates of The Caribbean’ and ‘Lord of The Rings’ trilogy fame.

    How lucky can one guy get ? First Kate Bosworth and now Miranda Kerr ?

    Life gives you apples you make cider. But if it gives you a whole ball of crap. All you’re left with is your own pile crap and a heap of dung. lol, lol, lol !!!

    Alan ………….

  7. Al… there was a point in time where seeing an Eddie Murphy was as absolute as watching a Tyson fight.

    Unfortunately, I don’t know that I’d pay to see either nowadays.

  8. Donny C… Iranian? Did you run out of Latin girls to molest?

    I do have to admit. You did pull that Jerrod Moiso pick from out of your ass. still owes us that picture.

    And why overstate the obvious? Saying Brotha E doesn’t know anything about anything is like saying he looks like Joe Morgan.

    To quote Kevin Bacon in “A Few Good Men,” these are the facts of the case and they are indisputable.

  9. Tophat… unfortunately for the Bucs, they have to play the NFC East this year.

    They host Dallas, the Giants, then go to Washington and Philly before they even play a division game.

    O-U-C-H spells ouch!

  10. Chris aka sportschump …

    Things I’d definitely pay too see but in no discening order. Strippers in a club whilst they all too willingly give the customary lap dance. Anything film with Morgan Freeman , Denzel Washington, De Niro , Don Cheadle ,Meryl Streep and Eastwood in it. As a matter if fact any movie directed by Scorcese, Michael Mann or Eastwood.

    As far as sporting events go. In this day and age I’m more discerned to use my discretionary monies in ways that’ll definitely be of benefit to me. Prices are slowly inching up as too now is the price of gas.

    I’m looking closely at the situation in Iran. Once that brouhaha turns into an allout civil war. You can bet your as_s you’ll see the price of oil go up faster than one of Tara Reid’s noted and well publicized wardrobe malfunctions.

    Every time I now see her on tv I’m trying to find out what it was that many of us thought was hot about her ? She’s 50c short of a dollar and then some !

    As to the Bucs their woes are nowhere as ill conceived as those of the Lightning. The franchise has gone to hell in a hand basket. Does anyone there actually have any semblance as to what it takes to actually run a professional hockey franchise ? I thought that Oren Koules this so called wunderkind had a friggin’ business mind ? They came in and blew hot air up everyone’s as_s. But in some cases they left a finger in there so that they could touch your prostate and then retract to tickle your sphinctre. That’s how bad it now is for the franchise.

    I can tell you this the moment that they decide to trade away Vinny LeCavalier. They might as well shut up shop and get the hell out of Dodge. The whole ownership group is beginning to make former Rays’ owner Vince Naimoli and former Bucs’ owner Hugh Culverhouse seem so endearing. WTF ?

    As you know I’m a beloved Spurs’ fan and with the acquisition today of Richard Jefferson from the Milwaukee Bucks. I’d say next year we’re back in the mix and in the thick of things. We sent ’em Bruce Bowen , Fabricio Oberto and Kurt Thomas in exchange.

    Bah Humbug !

    Alan …….

  11. Chris aka sportschump ………

    Well my beloved Spurs are once again the like ‘The Jeffersons (aka George & Weezie ….. not ‘Lil’ Wayne’ I might add as George don’t swing that way). We’ve just got Richard Jefferson from the Bucks in exchange for Bruce Bowen , Kurt Thomas and Fabricio Oberto. Now finally we’ve got a legitimat fourth option on offense and a very good defensive player as well.

    Here’s my take on it should you be interested ?

    Bah Humbug ….

    Alan ……….

  12. TopHat… I didn’t take you for a big “Bridges Of Madison County” fan but we learn something new every day.

    When I first heard that the Spurs had landed RJ, I was excited for the team, until I heard they had to give up the farm in Bowen, Thomas and Oberto for him. That’s a hefty price to pay.

  13. The Spurs trade is a tough one. I still say they gave up one of the premier (if not THE premier) perimeter defenders in the league even though he may have only 1-2 good years left. I think the Spurs could still get it done with their current squad. The NBA game is about matchups and in the West you need someone to guard Kobe, T-Mac, Carmelo and the like. The Spurs problem last year was injuries, not scoring. RJ is not the best defender. Like I was saying, what are the Spurs hoping for? 120 points per night, every night? On the other hand, it’s a decent move to get the team younger and maintain continuity ala the transition from David Robinson to Tim Duncan. Only one ball for Duncan, RJ, Mr. Longoria & the Argentinian lefty, though.

  14. RJ’s not an awful defender and I do think the move also had to do with cap room.

    The Spurs were 27th in the league in scoring last year.

    That’s worse than you.

  15. Chris aka sportschump ……

    I read the book but I didn’t think much of the movie. I did however see Grand Torino , his last movie. And it was a friggin’ great movie ! As was the movie ‘Traitor’ starring Don Cheadle.

    The girlfriend now has me watching the HBO series ‘True Blood’. It’s Moonlight for adults. It’s about vampires in a small Louisiana town. Plenty of sex , violence and the story lines aren’t too bad either. The acting also is terrific !

    As for the Spurs as I’d mentioned in my piece they were exposed in the Dallas series. And even with Bowen there they were unable to deal with the likes of Josh Howard , Jason Terry, Nowitzki and even Jose Juan Barera.

    So as of now I’m happy with the choices being made by Buford and Popovich. They’ve brought four championships to the franchise. And other than the Lakers they’re the only other team to have won multiple championships over the past decade.

    Alan …………

  16. Chris aka sportschump ……

    I didn’t get to see the interview between Bryant Gumbel and Jim Brown. But I hear it was some hard hitting stuff ? Apparently Brown was letting rip on Tiger by saying that he’s not enough of a social activist. Isn’t this the same Jim Brown who let rip on a his former live in partner by beating the shi_t out of her and then was unwilling to serve time for the crime ? WTF is up with him ? Not everyone wants to go out there and be a peacekeeper between the Cripps and Bloods.

    Tiger’s doing what he does best and that’s by opening up schoold and getting young kids off the street by giving them books and computer in a safe haven where they can learn.

    All Brown has been doing has been living in the friggin’ past . You learn from it not go along the same fuc_kin’ path as before. The guy has become such a tool !

    Alan …………

  17. Saw Traitor and dug it. Haven’t seen Gran Torino yet.

    As a Spurs fan, it’s hard to second guess a team, as you’ve mentioned, that’s brought four championships to the city.

    They wasted no time in landing RJ. He’ll undobutedly add a refreshing element to that Spurs roster.

  18. I didn’t see the interview either but I wanted to.

    We’ve talked about this before. High-profile guys like Michael, LeBron and Tiger have been ripped for not having a more active voice in the African-American community… but it’s a different time.

    Would controversial statements cause them advertising revenue? Maybe.

    But I have a hard time believing that three men as determined as those guys don’t hold true to their own particular beliefs. It’s their own right to say, or not say, what they want to.

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