Month: January 2014
Brushes with Sports Greatness, Vol. 7: The 1984-5 Swedish Davis Cup Tennis Team

As most of you already know, I went to high school overseas. From the tenth through twelfth grades, I lived in Santiago, Chile. Those were a memorable three years but I’m not about to bore you with anymore sappy stories Continue reading Brushes with Sports Greatness, Vol. 7: The 1984-5 Swedish Davis Cup Tennis Team
Questioning ownership’s will to win: The curious case of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers

*One of the great things about running a sports website is that, every once in a while, I run into a character with something interesting to say. Either they’ll agree with me or disagree but the interaction always leads to Continue reading Questioning ownership’s will to win: The curious case of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Just another day at Madison Square Garden: A caption contest
Grave Diggers and Love Rollercoasters: A day in the life
I consider myself to be a pretty adaptable fellow. I’ve been rich. I’ve been poor. I’ve been a minority. I’ve been a majority. I’ve lived in both huge cities and small towns… and I’ve made it this far to tell Continue reading Grave Diggers and Love Rollercoasters: A day in the life
Chris Rock’s Malcolm X Games (video)
Chris Rock is one of the funniest men alive. His scratchy, high-pitched voice and string bean frame have kept us in stitches ever since he first appeared on Saturday Night Live in 1990.
Modern Athletes I Would Want On My Side If A Bar Fight Broke Out
I’ve worked in the bar industry for quite some time. Every once in a while, one drunken sot at the bar takes offense to the way another drunken sot at the bar is looking at him and shit goes down. Continue reading Modern Athletes I Would Want On My Side If A Bar Fight Broke Out
As the World Tweets: Your AFC/NFC Championship Edition
On a glorious Sunday afternoon, NFL fans were treated to two captivating football games that, when it was all said and done, totally lived up to their billing.
The Top Five Most Famous Sports Penises of All-Time
NFL tight end Kellen Winslow was recently caught masturbating in his Escalade in the middle of a Target parking lot. And I thought I was excited about the playoffs!
SportsChump Motion Pictures proudly presents Alejandro
According to recent reports, Major League Baseball’s performance-enhancing prototype, Alex Rodriguez, is dropping his appeal, taking the year off and heading to Mexico. Good for him. I’m surprised Bud Selig didn’t offer to drive him to the airport.