Before I congratulate the winner of my Third Annual NFL Over/Under Pick ‘Em Contest, I would like to declare a moment of silence for my football picks this season.
Okay, now that that’s out of the way.
If we learned anything from this NFL season, other than the safest play is to always bet the Browns and Dolphins to finish under their projected win total, it’s that you should never listen to a guy who runs a sports website. He knows not of what he speaks.
I would first like to thank all of you for participating in what I consider my most fun contest of the year. That being said, we can all rejoice in the fact that Ravenous’ ridiculous reign of terror is finally over. Last year, he mangled the competition by garnering 53 of a possible 55 points, nailing nine of his ten picks correctly. This year, he finished in fourth place still deserving honorable mention. Either that or the rest of us were useless, which is the likelier option.
In second and third place, we have two faithful SportsChump supporters Heavy D and Ronbets. They both finished with 37 points but Bets edged out D by virtue of the tiebreaker. Bets had the Dolphins, Bucs and Jags combining for 19 wins. D had 21. The three Florida teams combined for a miserly 16 wins. Hopefully one day in the near future, that number will jump. Maybe with Schiano gone and Lovie replacing him, the Buccaneers will help with that.
But this year, we declare a brand new football swami and girl, does she wear it well.
I would hereby like to congratulate SpeedBeagle for making a mockery of the proceedings and for once again reminding us all that just because we’re born with penises doesn’t necessarily mean we know a thing about sports.
Take a bow, Beag. You have a gorgeous copy of the Library of Congress’ Football Nation: Four Hundred Years of America’s Game headed your way.
Here are your final scores.
SpeedBeagle – 43
Ronbets – 37 (tiebreak 19)
Heavy D – 37 (tiebreak 21)
Ravenous – 35
Hanahan – 34
BleedPRPL&GOLD – 32
KSP (The Wife Hates Sports) – 31 (tiebreak 18)
Bipper – 31 (tiebreak 18)
Joey Mills – 31 (tiebreak 20)
Dee Dee – 28
Yaz – 26 (tiebreak 17)
PY – 26 (tiebreak 21)
Dwindy – 25 (tiebreak 15)
Tophatal – 25 (tiebreak 13)
SportsChump 23
Aero – 21
Mo Barksdale – 20
Blog Surface – 15

WTG Speedy!
Oh damn ! Bottom rung almost .
How much money is A Rod willing to commit in legal fees to his attorneys , with his seeking an appeal in the US Federal Appellate Court ?
tophatal ……………
So everyone was said to be satisfied with that original NFL settlement of $1 billion to be paid out to retired players in terms of their ongoing health issues ? Finally , some common sense being shown by a judge who saw through the bull#hit connivance between the league hierarchy and the players’ union in that dumb settlement .
That’s the second straight contest I’ve hosted that a female has won.
I do believe it’s time for the rest of us to step it up.
No shame in the bottom rung. I’m right there with ya’. I put too much faith in the Falcons and Texans this year. Whoops!
And that’s huge news about that NFL paycheck.
When that $765 million figure came out a few months ago, I told you that was a drop in the bucket for the league, a mere pittance. They make that in a weekend.
Much like MLB doling out a suspension to A-Rod hoping he’ll just go away, that’s essentially what the NFL in writing that check. Hope the concussion issue would just go away.
But it won’t. And they’re slowly finding that out.
Congrats to SpeedBeagle. Always nice to see an old head from Fox win a Chump contest.
And I finished on the top end of the field…With the Lakeshow tanking I’ll take any semi-good news I can get sportswise these days.
I shouldn’t have selected a homer pick with the Falcons. That was a waste of 10 points. At least I managed to somehow get into the top half.
I think Beag is waiting for everyone to chime in with their comments before coming in a talking smack, er…. accepting her prize graciously.
I had the Falcons high too. A lot of people did.
If they’re not careful, they might finish at the bottom of that division again next year.
I waited for the Inquiry sign to come on flashing……never did. Congrats to SB!!
I would like to comment on the Buc’s bad hire. Lovie Smith at best is a D.C. Defense is his forte. Noted in Chicago, he was too conservative offensively. Wayyy too many field goals when the offense shudda stayed on. Also poor clock management. The inmates got their wish and got the warden(Schiano) canned. After the disposal of the cancer(Freeman), the team showed marked improvement.
Don’t kid yourself. The NFL’s annual revenue is a lot closer to ten bil than it is to seven.
Giving a little back and also making sure that moving forward, all efforts are made to take care of their own is probably the stand-up thing to do.
That is before another judge simply MAKES them do it.
Oh no, Bets! Don’t jinx us!
Look, after Raheem Morris, Greg Schiano and the declining years of Jon Gruden, all (or at least most) of us here in the Bay area think Lovie was the right hire.
He’s coming home to where he cut his teeth so the support has been overwhelming for the most part.
Although what was it that Eddie Murphy once said about giving a guy a cracker after he had walked through the dessert without anything to eat? (metaphor for all those who have seen the skit)
Look, I don’t know who I’d choose over Lovie had but after two unproven and inexperienced commodities, the Bucs had to go with something proven.
We can only hope Lovie ahem, proves them right.
Nice job Speedy! Looks like you lapped the field!
Great contest, Rev!
Love hosting this one annually, Hanogram.
I have some pretty sweet prizes from my book supplier coming up for a potential March Madness bonanza extravaganza.
One of these days, I’ll win one of my own contests. Or maybe not.
The figure they state is $7 billion officially, but the figure doesn’t take into account their overseas’ revenues , which you could perhaps estimate at another $3-$4 billion at least . At the end of the day , it still doesn’t excuse the dubious actions of the league , their lawyers and those of the NFLPA(union) in that original settlement . Either the judge fell asleep throughout ,much of that hearing or he was taking advice from Antonin Scalia , a US Supreme Court Justice .
Cops killing patrons in a movie theater ? WTF is up in your part of the world ?
That theater incident is only a few exits north from me but not to worry. I have an alibi.
Thanks, everyone!
There are a few other safe plays:
#1: Never bet against Peyton Manning or Tom Brady(unless Denver is playing New England and then you have to make a choice).
#2: As long as Jerry Jones is in Dallas, the Cowboys haven’t got a chance.
I look forward to reading the book. I love anything history, and as the NFL season comes to a close, I leave you with these words of wisdom:
Wes Welker was always a better receiver than Danny Amendola, and a healthy Michael Crabtree is better than both of them.
These were one of those seasons for us. Ouch, we want to just close our eyes looking at the standings. Good job once again Chump!
The Library of Congress did a fantastic job with this. It’s one of the nicest prizes I’ve given away and makes for a great coffee table book. I’ve just gotta get to the post office to mail the darn thing. It’s actually huge, he he.
But enjoy it. Well earned.
Speaking of Wes Welker, this weekend is exactly the reason why Denver stole him away. He will be the difference in the game, whether on the field or in the locker room.
I’m taking Denver for just that reason.
Thanks, BS.
Yeah, my picks were horrible.
That’s okay though. Just means I’m due.
Awesome score Speed Beagle! Nice to have another female champ for Sportschump!
Dee Dee
Dee Dee’s just upset she didn’t win her eighth straight contest.
Give someone else a chance, will ya’?
Congrats on your Yahoo championship, D, says SportsChump only slightly embittered.
Well Triple SC….I lost my first place selecting 49ers. I sincerely knew it’d be a close game. I truly didn’t believe Seahawks would cover the points spread…and they didn’t…until 4 lousy minutes left to go in the game, greedy bastards! I was in complete freak mode watching that game…Thankfully all by myself as well.
But I also blame you for my 2nd place standing- lol! You can’t congratulate til final results;) That’s major jinxing!!!
But how sweet of you to recognize I’m top dog over you and my dearest pal Yaz, once again;) Hee Hee
Dee Dee
There’s always next year, D.
I even smell a friendly wager.
Congrats to the winners… finished in the top half this time… I guess that’s not bad.