I recently celebrated a birthday. Somewhat surprisingly Johnny Manziel did not attend the festivities. Apparently he didn’t get the memo.
There was once a time where many of us reveled in the opportunity to meet famous people. Some of us probably still do. After all, it’s only human to become awestruck by stardom. I remember meeting Lou Ferrigno and Wade Boggs as a kid and being totally tongue-tied.
As one matures, however, there comes a point when stardom doesn’t hold the same meaning. We get caught up in our own daily (or in my case nightly) grind that the millions upon millions of dollars celebrities “earn” ceases to impress us.
Now is that time, at least for me.
I recently saw a picture online and had to question to myself what the hell was going on.
This picture showcased actor/rapper Tyrese, Cleveland Browns quarterback Johnny Manziel, welterweight and Super welterweight champion Floyd Money Mayweather and teen pop sensation Justin Bieber all smiling for the camera. Apparently, Biebs was throwing a little shindig at the crib and all his homies were invited.
Don’t get me wrong. I like to partake in the occasional social gathering. In fact, some might even consider me a bit of a social butterfly. But who in their right mind would ever go to a party with Manziel, Money May and the Biebs and not expect something bad to happen?
And just out of curiosity, why the hell are Mayweather and Bieber best buddies? Mayweather is 37 and Bieber is only 20. How many of your closest friends are half your age and not old enough to legally drink? Is it because they’re the only two people on the planet who can afford to hang out with one another? Other than their bankrolls and probably a couple of bad decisions, what could these two possibly have in common?
Manziel’s got star power but there’s no way he has the coin to hang with those two, not to mention he’s one Instagram photo away from being suspended by his employer. After signing with the Browns, Manziel probably makes only a couple of million a year. That’s a night out on the town for Money and Biebs. Is Mayweather backing him? Did Biebs spot him a loan? I can see it now, Johnny Football walking to the bar for one last cocktail, reaching into his pockets to find only lint while Money nods to the bartender telling him he’s good. And what the hell is Tyrese doing in this picture?
Maybe it’s just me but this has all the makings of a gathering I’d rather not attend.
What’s the best case scenario? You, Money and the Biebs all share a heartfelt moment. They welcome you into their circle of trust and fly you first class to their biggest fights and concerts while you boast to your former friends how you’re kicking it at Ceasar’s for the weekend. What’s the worst case scenario? One of Money May’s security guys pummels the life out of you for looking at them funny while the Biebs shrieks “Intruder!!” at the top of his lungs and maces you to boot.
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised when these kinds of photos and others like it are leaked. It’s just another case of fame spiraling out of control and social media continuing to capture the ever-expanding differential between the haves and have-nots.
Fortunately, those of us who know the difference between what “having” and “not having” actually means are not bothered by this in the slightest.
Primary common factor: All are Publicity Whores
Fame Phreaks.
With apparently not a lick of common sense between them
The technique to handling social media is mostly ignoring it.
Or by poking fun at it, Tree.
How friggin’ lame do you have to be to have Bieber attend one of your parties ? As for Mayweather the latest piece of garbage on that @sshole is that he’s bought his girlfriend a jet . Read written piece (blog article) where the contributor was simply in awe with the gesture and not the fact that this was the same female who the boxer has abused repeatedly , during their relationship that led to his incarceration in a Nevada State penal facility . Once again apathy on the part of a sport’s fan .
Let me pose this question to you also what frigging credibility does then NBA now have when they punish Donald Sterling with impunity but give Rich DeVos a pass ? Or does that simply not matter to you at all ? It’s OK to punish racist but a homophobe gets a walk ? Are you sure you still want to take up for Stern and the NBA hierarchy ?
Money probably paid cash for that jet too, Al.
And how about this?
If the DeVos’ comments bother you so much, perhaps you should right a letter to the Commissioner explaining your position and asking them why Sterling was punished while DeVos got away scot free.
I agree with you that his actions (I’m assuming you’re referring to the money he gives anti-gay groups?) didn’t receive nearly the publicity that Sterling’s did but I don’t know what else to tell you. Perhaps you should write a letter to the Magic as well.
Here’s the funny thing. If anyone actually gave a shit about the Magic, this might have made more news.
I’m sure DeVos’ camp told the guy to shut his trap. I’m also pretty certain if he says anything overly derogatory, he’ll receive similar punishment. I’m sure you’re also aware, Al, that Devos isn’t the only person in this country who’s not okay with gay marriage.
Write a letter to the NBA hierarchy ? Isn’t that like asking Congress to implement laws that actually make sense ? Rich DeVos giving donations to gay and lesbian groups is one thing but to then to describe them in derogatory terms , how is that meant to sit with that demographic base in general , much less fans of the Magic and that city in general ?
Dan DeVos called for Donald Sterling to be thrown out of the league but says nothing of his father’s repeated bad behavior . Go figure . Or didn’t that cross your mind ? We have owners , union and hierarchy that is filled with so much frigging hypocrisy while the fans are and the analysts covering the sport remain apathetic .
So Rory McIroy ,looks to be walking away with the British Open and decimating the field in the process . Tiger has put in an appearance , signing autographs and not much else in terms of his play (+6) .
Overly derogatory Chris ? I guess that’s why the Deep South remains the way it is and has not progressed over time . Next up, we will revert back to separate drinking fountains , rest rooms and segregated schools to keep a specific group happy . Like you said, there has been so much progress made when it comes to diversity and race relations . LOL,LOL,LOL !!! Things must be so clouded there in Tampa and claims of it being a city at the forefront of things ? Central Florida and the state in general, remains in a time vacuum .
Claims of there being so much depth to this past NBA Draft and now some of the more high profiled draftees are struggling while playing in the NBA Summer League at the D Level . One more reason not to buy into that idiocy of comparisons to 2003 .
After heading into Sunday with a six stroke lead, Rory came out and birdied the first hole from farther away than where Rickie Fowler put his ball. I knew at that point it was definitely over, not that I thought anyone was gonna catch him from six strokes down. A dominating performance for sure.
McIroy is proving to be assassin on the course when his game is all right . Can the same be said about Lefty or even Tiger Woods ? I don’t know that Woods and Mickelson are good enough to be part of Tom Watson’s Ryder Cup team this September given their performances this season . Even with their Ryder Cup experience the US team with them on-board would by no means be a consensus favorite .
Goodell and Bob Kraft should grow old in a hospice together as they remain two of the dumbest @ssholes in the entire NFL . How much longer can they keep harping on for the need of an NFL franchise in Los Angeles much less promote the issue of a franchise in London in the future (within five to six years) ?
You can fool the people some of the time but the anal retentive , just deserve to be fooled and embarrassed all of the time ………..that is why the NFL exists .
Over and under on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers winning between eight and ten games this season ? And their chances of claiming the NFC South divisional crown?
Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ news
Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ roster
Buccaneers at home to the Carolina Panthers in week one of the regular season .
Divisional crown, Al?
You didn’t really ask me that, did you?
I’m taking the Panthers to win that division this year. Their over/under is surprisingly only 9 1/2.
I’d really love the see the Buccaneers flirt with that number and I’m sure I’m not the only one in the Bay area who feels that way.
I still think this team has some flaws in some key areas.
We shall see, I guess.
I honestly don’t understand how Bieber even has the friends that he does. He must seriously pay these people. Too bad we don’t have someone rich enough and willing to pay to ship him back to Canada. Or maybe we tried and Canada said NO way.
There’s a long line.
We’re still waiting for them to take back Bryan Adams and Celine Dion.
Looks like a new boy band to me….The Douche Patrol.
(sung in the Janet Jackson “Control” voice)