“I see your true colors shining through.”
-Cyndi Lauper
Britt McHenry is in the news for a change and not reporting it.
Who is Britt McHenry, you ask? Don’t feel bad. I had never heard of her either and I watch a lot of ESPN. Either way, we sure as heck fire know who she is now.
Apparently last week, the effervescent and awfully full-of-herself ESPN reporter parked her car in an illegal parking space, where it was towed forcing her to go to a tow lot to pick it up. Anyone who’s ever dealt with towing companies knows negotiating a car’s free release is an exercise in futility. It’s also the most unpleasant experience this side of getting a speeding ticket or listening to a Kobe Bryant interview.
Most of us who have had to retrieve our car from a tow lot have hurled a few healthy expletives but a) it wasn’t caught on camera for millions to see and b) we don’t work for ESPN/ABC/Disney.
The same cannot be said for Britt McHenry who, upon retrieving her car, gave the towing employee a piece of her mind. McHenry’s tongue-lashing made Richie Incognito look like a motivational speaker. Seen here on a hidden cam (the tow lot attendant is not), McHenry belittles the person handling the release of her wheels.
A raggedy-headed and clearly miffed McHenry reminds you of that spoon-fed sorority girl who wouldn’t give you time of day once she saw the kind of car you drove. In turn, Tweeters around the globe gave McHenry a piece of their own mind.
Charles C. Johnson @ChuckCJohnson
You mean hot famous people are sometimes mean to people who serve them? Get the hell out of here. #BrittMcHenry
You should have seen Britt McHenry’s reaction in the 90s when they towed the wet sprocket.
Some advice for Britt McHenry. Don’t use those perfect teeth when you’re blowing a guy for your next job!
CaptainTouchback @CaptTouchback
Has the Skinny Young Blonde Society of America rushed to the defense of Britt McHenry yet?
Tim Duncan was winning titles when Blake Griffin was still getting bullied by Britt McHenry in elementary school for being a ginger.
I bet Britt McHenry writes the best Yelp reviews.
“Wait, Britt McHenry has a journalism degree? Yep, that is why we hired her. Let’s go with that” – Multiple ESPN Execs. #BrittMcHenry
Part of me feels bad for @BrittMcHenry. Poor thing actually believes she was hired for her “brains” and “education”. #firebrittmchenry
Is Britt McHenry hosting the American Cuntry Awards?
Richie Incognito just swiped right on Britt McHenry
Things @BrittMcHenry didn’t learn in college: 1. How to read a tow zone sign. 2. How to be a decent human being. #firebrittmchenry
If you ever get to the place where you feel really good about yourself, I suggest not towing Britt McHenry’s car.
Fake SportsCenter @FakeSportsCentr
Mel Kiper drops Britt McHenry to early 2nd round on his Big Board
Britt McHenry is just lucky this wasn’t the parking-lot attendant she ticked off this week: #bettercallsaul
Britt McHenry (ESPN) sidelined with a bad tow. Status: day to day.
After reviewing the tape of Britt McHenry, ESPN has decided to give a two-week suspension to Bill Simmons.
Even though Britt McHenry is a worthless human, I would have liked to hear her response had Brett Favre texted her instead of Jenn Sterger.
My thoughts on this whole Britt MCHenry story: Why couldn’t it have been Skip Bayliss?
We’ve all know the type… Raised as a princess and it carries over to their “all about me” life as an adult…
I understand the owner of the towing company has asked ESPN not to fire miss sparkle pony… I have to wonder why?
It’s because she’s such a pleasant person, Dwin.
The video was edited and left out the attendant’s dialogue…on purpose. I am in noway condoning her behavior, but there is more to it. Britt does appear to be a princess and I honestly can’t stand those types of people. I have no doubt she was baited by the lowest form of life that is a tow company. Still as an employee of ESPN she needs to refrain no matter what. Just my 2 cents.
Let me get this right. A college degree, who can’t read or doesn’t understand a sign that indicates in some capacity that you can’t park here…and she wants to get upset with a tow yard attendant who can count the money it takes to get the car out.. Hmmm? I’m just sayin’.
Colin Cowherd is no longer the biggest bitch at ESPN.
If she had been dissing Sonia(OpRepo), the paramedics wudda been summoned.
The Sportschump quote of the week “McHenry’s tongue-lashing made Richie Incognito look like a motivational speaker. ” LMAO!!
somehow arrogance never does miss a chance to make itself look bad…
It’s a tow yard. I’m not sure how many Rhodes scholars they have working there but I’m pretty sure it’s zero.
It’s one of those jobs, like the lady at the DMV, that can’t ever possibly face a happy customer. I’m not sitting here playing the violin for the woman at the to lot but that also doesn’t mean McHenry needs to belittle someone else by claiming she’s better than her because of what she does for a living.
You know who I really feel sorry for? McHenry’s boyfriend.
If I see a TOW AWAY ZONE sign anywhere in my vicinity, I’m not parking anywhere near there.
I work too damn hard for my money.
I’m just impressed I got you to talk about an ESPN employee other than Linda Cohn.
I just Googled who that was.
I may not sleep tonight.
Did Incognito land on a roster?
And why don’t we just let Tebow go from roster to roster as a motivational speaker.
Sounds like Greg Hardy could use one.
Let’s hope you don’t get that high and mighty if you win my baseball pick ’em contest.
Richie Incognito will be back on the field next year. Cleared to play…..but where? Oakland??
read on a different site that the towing company is a real sleazy operation. the BBB gives them an F. could they have jacked up the rate for the “towing and storage” for vehicles to make it almost impossible for someone to get their car and therefor lose their vehicle. yes, there are good tow companies but the majority I have encountered are real douche bag businesses. got my car towed for a crappy reason that was dismissed later that day and it cost me over 700 dollars for two days. people are too PC nowadays. Some people are dirtbags and it is perfectly ok to say your peace. Did Britt lie about anything? As far as I know, no. From what I have read, the person behind the counter is a real bitch to others so she got her just due. Twitter is so stupid. That is what is wrong with this world, people actually think their opinion is important. Like mine. 🙂
Oakland seems like a fit. It’s not like the guy can’t play.
And what do you think will ever become of Ray Rice?
No one is saying tow truck companies aren’t the lowest of the low, Jack.
We’re just wondering whether we should rank Britt McHenry down there with ’em.
Some Mean Girls never grow out of it.
Britt has a couple more decades of being a snotty hottie, but eventually father time catches up and then….Kathleen Turner city.
Kathleen Turner City sounds like an amusement park nobody wants to go to… unless they consistently show that scene where she gets naked in Body Double.
Then I’d probably ride that ride twice.
Uhh…I ‘m guessing you haven’t seen her lately.
She had a great cameo in the show Californication.
Google her before and after pics….Betcha lose your lunch and burn that Romancing the Stone VHS tape.
Let’s just say, father time Sanduskied her.
I think I have seen her. Bloated, right?
Now at least her body finally matches her voice.