Month: September 2015
3 Tips on How a Toronto Archer Can Become Better At Their Craft
Finding a sport that will allow a person to exert themselves both physically and mentally can really help to reduce the stress in their lives. Archery has been one of the most popular hobbies in the Toronto area for a Continue reading 3 Tips on How a Toronto Archer Can Become Better At Their Craft
Reason to celebrate, Part Two: Roadies, rivalries and reunions – Just another Saturday in the SEC

After a long celebratory Friday evening at work, I woke up late the following morning. Stumbling to my phone, I rubbed my eyes to see if I had received any messages. I was taking a rare Saturday night off. My Continue reading Reason to celebrate, Part Two: Roadies, rivalries and reunions – Just another Saturday in the SEC
Reason to celebrate

Wow! Just fucking wow! I moved to Tampa about six-and-a-half years ago with two specific goals in mind: start a successful, sports-related website and get back into the service industry. I guess one out of two ain’t bad. I was Continue reading Reason to celebrate
SportsChump’s NFL Picks against the world – Week Three

It takes skill to be this bad. Any copper coin when flipped can pick half the games right or better according to Kevin Paul’s lucky and clearly rigged quarter that went 14-2 in Week One. Someone call Commissioner Goodell. To Continue reading SportsChump’s NFL Picks against the world – Week Three
Upset specials in the NFL

Earlier this year, just on a whim, I decided to take a season-long look at how the underdogs would fare against the favorites. It’s the way I’ve always liked to bet so I figured why not look at how much Continue reading Upset specials in the NFL
Just when we thought we’d had enough Lovie Dovey

I don’t know about you guys but last week, I was ready for a tirade. I’m not talking about a Jim McElwain kind of blowup where you yell at your player until your hair shakes, face turns red and a Continue reading Just when we thought we’d had enough Lovie Dovey
SportsChump’s NFL picks against the world – Week Two

Alright, we’re off to a good start. I guess that new crystal ball works. Our special guest Han the Man led last week going 9-7 but it was close. KP went 8-8 and your boy went 8-7-1 with, just as Continue reading SportsChump’s NFL picks against the world – Week Two
How to win friends and influence people by USF head football coach Willie Taggart

I tend bar in Ybor City (pronounced EEH-bor) and have on and off for over six years. Like any part of this beautiful country of ours that is known for its nightlife, Ybor City has its issues. We had another Continue reading How to win friends and influence people by USF head football coach Willie Taggart
Bucs embarrass, fans boo: Same old, same old in Tampa Bay.

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose Jean Baptiste Alphone Karr, 1849 I’ve set down bad books before. I couldn’t get through them so I just chalked up the final, unturned pages to writing better left unread. I’m Continue reading Bucs embarrass, fans boo: Same old, same old in Tampa Bay.