I love cinema. I love alcohol. I also love a good hashtag. Who ever thought one little character key, aka our friendly neighborhood ‘#,’ would change an entire nation’s vernacular?
When I came home late one night to find #GetAFilmDrunk trending, I felt compelled to see what the hell that meant. As usual, Twitter did not disappoint.
As a professional bartender, I obviously had to throw my hat into the ring. I think you’ll find some pretty interesting creativity worth a chuckle or two. These guys are definitely worth the follow.
The best #GetAFilmDrunk entry into the comments section below receives a drink on me the next time they walk into the pub.
HoekomSoPodcast @HoekomSoPodcast
Beer and present danger #GetAFilmDrunk
No Southern Comfort For Old Men #GetAFilmDrunk
#GetAFilmDrunk ‘Honey, I pissed my pants.’
Indiana Jones and the Shirley Temple of Doom #GetAFilmDrunk
#GetAFilmDrunk Tequila Mockingbird
Partial Recall #GetAFilmDrunk
Susan Bernstein @velvetbarstool
The Magnificent Seven and Seven #GetAFilmDrunk
Whisky Business.
The Hungover Games
I forgot what you did last summer #GetAFilmDrunk
The Hunt for Red Oktoberfest #GetAFilmDrunk
Big Mama BertiCat @LittleBertie01
Schlinder’s pissed.
James and The Giant Peach Schnapps #GetAFilmDrunk
Atlas Chugged
Rebecca Throckmorton @Rebecca_Throck2
#GetaFilmDrunk “Last of the Mojitos”
Magic Mikes Hard Lemonade #GetAFilmDrunk
The Treasure of the Sierra Madras #GetAFilmDrunk
There Will be Bud #GetAFilmDrunk
Not Robert Griffin @Pseudo_RGIII
50 Shades of Grey Goose #GetAFilmDrunk
Blame Big Government @BlameBigGovt
Straight Outta Captain Morgan #GetAFilmDrunk
Christian Schneider Verified account @Schneider_CM
The Muppets Make a Manhattan #GetAFilmDrunk
#GetAFilmDrunk What’s Fermenting Gilbert Grape
Honey, I’m Drunk…the Kids? #GetAFilmDrunk
Maureen Castriotta @mcastriotta
Chariots of Fireball #GetAFilmDrunk
How to Drain Your Dragon #GetAFilmDrunk
Dr. Schadenfreude @PoliticsOfFear
Bill and Ted Kennedy’s Excellent Adventure. #GetAFilmDrunk
David-Damien Mattia @DaveMattia
#GetAFilmDrunk The Importance of Being Ernest and Julio Gallo.
Ed Morrissey Verified account @EdMorrissey
Glenfiddich Glen Ross
#GetAFilmDrunk Mad Max: Blurry Road
Can’t Remember The Titans.
Jake Tapper Verified account @jaketapper
Love In The Time of Colada
Star Wars: The Empire Drinks Jack #GetAFilmDrunk
One Fell Over The Cuckoo’s Nest #GetAFilmDrunk
A Beautiful Mind Eraser #GetAFilmDrunk
Fränkie/Mölly @thatsmellsfishy
When Harry met sidewalk
Kegstand By Me. #GetAFilmDrunk
Gone with the Wine
He he, it seems fitting.
Cabin Fever in the Woods
Whiskey in the Willows
Jameson and the Giant Peach
Eternal Moonshine of the Spotless Mind
PBR We There Yet
The Perfect Dark and Stormy
Tullamore Dew the Right Thing
Belvedere Hunter
The Thomas Crown Royal Affair
Gone With the Hurricane(popular on Bourbon Street)
The Road to (a) Singapore Sling
Paper Moonshine
(Scotch on the) Rocky
This is Beer on Tap
Jerry Maguire Show Me The Money Train
From Here to a Long Island Iced Tea
The Moon is Blue Curacao(that one is banned in Boston)
The Old Man and the Seagrams
Bonnie and Clydesdales
So far so good.
How the hell did I not come up with Tullamore Dew The Right thing, Doc.
I must be slipping.
Also love the Perfect Dark and Stormy.
What rum drinker wouldn’t?
Also love the Thomas Crown Royal Affair, the Old Man and the Seagrams and Bonnie and Clydesdales.
Nicely done, gang.
The Booze Brothers
The BoooOOOooze Brothers?!?!??
….They still owe you money, FOOL.
How much for the little girl? How much for your daughter?