The Ringer Star-is-Borns Dolan-Durant

Many of you have now seen A Star Is Born, last year’s Academy Award-winning re-remake starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga.

Many of you are also familiar with the New York Knickerbockers, an NBA franchise that hasn’t won any awards worth noting in about fifty years.

I’m not about to bore you with either the plot of A Star Is Born (Bradley Cooper dies in the end) or the plight of Knicks fans (their hopes die in the end), however, the good folks at The-Bill-Simmons-inspired-Ringer have given us a gift worth sharing.

Theirs is a spoof to end all free agency spoofs.  It is one that ties together Bradley Dolan, Lady Durant and a “Shallow” remake that might be the only thing able to bring a smile to Knicks fans’ faces.

Enjoy… and nicely done, Ringer.

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2 Replies to “The Ringer Star-is-Borns Dolan-Durant”

  1. She called a black man boy?

    Uh oh.

    Jemele Hill and Kap trigger alert.

  2. Bleed…

    What’s Jemele Hill even doing these days other than adding to her Twitter account?

    Add to the latest Kaptroversy, he’s protesting the Betsy Ross flag that someone (Nike?) put on their sneakers.

    Will it ever cease?

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