Being a student and an athlete at the same time is not an easy task. It can take a toll on the learner’s life and end up affecting their performance in class or on the field. To avoid this one should know how to balance the two.
One of the major problems that you will face is the pressure that comes with it. Without someone who has your best interests at heart guiding you through it chances are that you are going to mess up.
At times it is also hard to find someone who has been in the same situation and knows what you are going through. Thankfully, there are books that can help you with all this. Here is more on the topic. You can also visit this link CorrectMyPlay.com to know more and maybe get some answers to any questions you might be having.
Why read books?
Apart from the fact that as a student you must read to be able to pass your examinations, books contain lots of information that can help you in other areas of life too. Contrary to popular belief, you should develop a reading culture if you are going to be an all-rounded excellent athlete.
Books are written by different authors hence presents you with different perspectives about the same thing. This widens your scope in terms of how you view the world. It makes you an open-minded individual which is a valuable quality that every human being should have.
Also, they talk about several different things and so increases your pool of knowledge. Equipped with all that information makes you well-suited to tackle challenges that come with being a student athlete.
How do you choose?
There is a wide variety of options that one can choose from. While it is advisable that you read as much as you can it is also important that you choose wisely. Some are not educative at all and won’t add any value to your life. That being said, here are some of the categories that you ought to consider.
- Motivational
This is one of the vital ingredients in the making of a great sportsperson. Everybody needs motivation from time to time to be able to keep pushing on.
This is, especially, true for student athletes considering that they are young and most of them have not yet been hardened by life experiences. They are more likely to buckle under pressure and give up.
Reading the stories of other people who have faced similar challenges and how they managed to overcome them goes a long way in boosting their morale.
It lets them know that with hard-work and determination they can achieve anything that they set their mind to despite all the obstacles in their path. See this link to read more about athletes both as leaders and readers https://knowledgequest.aasl.org/athletes-readers-leaders/
- Psychological
Striking a balance between your life as a student and as an athlete requires both physical and mental preparation. Practicing regularly on and off the pitch will help you get good grades and perform well on the field but won’t take you to the next level.
If you would like to pursue a career as an athlete later on in life then you have to be psychologically prepared for that journey. You must have the right attitude that will allow you to push beyond the limits that humans usually impose on themselves.
To achieve greatness you have to learn how to make tough decisions and sacrifices for the greater good. Reading psychological books will help you train your mind to think in the right way and put you on the right track.
- Exercise
Your coach will only help you get in shape and develop the relevant skills required in that particular sport. This is not enough to get you to the top. For that you will have to go beyond the normal routine and do things differently.
When training for sports, average athletes will only engage in generalized exercises. Such are not challenging enough and won’t help you realize your full potential. Great athletes go the extra mile to engage in specialized exercises that have been developed for a particular purpose, tested, and found to produce the desired results.
For instance, strength and conditioning is one such specialized training that keeps you in mint shape and also boosts your endurance. Reading books that talk about such things will inform you about how you should train and rest your body for proper recovery.
You will get to learn about hypertrophy, bulking, cutting, how to improve your lung capacity, range of motion, and flight to mention but a few.

- Nutrition
Most of the time your teachers and coaches won’t tell you much about nutrition. They might tell you how important it is for you but they won’t guide you on how to implement a proper nutrition regime.
Depending on the type of athlete that you are, there are certain types of food that you should go easy on and then there are others that you should consume in large quantities.
Carbohydrates, for example, are energy-giving foods and so your body requires a lot of them considering your high level of activeness. On the other hand, you should regulate your fat intake to moderate levels so that it doesn’t affect your performance on the field.
Most professional athletes usually have a nutritionist to help with such advice. Acquiring such services can be expensive for a student hence books provide an affordable solution.
- Investment
If you are on your way to going professional then you should consider reading books that contain information on proper ways to manage and invest your money. An athlete’s worst fear is an injury.
It can negatively affect your performance and even bring your career to a halt. This has happened to a lot of people and some have been left stranded and depressed as a result of the financial crisis that follows.
Thus it is wise to prepare for such eventualities before they happen. Don’t waste your money on worthless things. Instead, you should use it properly and invest some of it in productive areas to avoid financial struggles in the future.
For this, you should read books written by successful entrepreneurs and investors to get their advice. Click here to see a few books that are recommended for athletes.
As a student athlete you must learn the art of balance for you to thrive. You should know that your books are equally important as your training on the field. They help your mind develop and equip you with the relevant knowledge that you need to tackle the problems in your life. Make sure that you read books on nutrition, exercise, motivation, psychology, and investment to mention but a few. These will enable you to grow and exploit your potential. Also, remember to watch out for the type of friends that you hang around with.