SportsChump Sound Off: Athletes, Coaches, Fans, Reporters and Lines Crossed

What’s the point of running an award-winning blog if not to a) have a voice and b) call upon others with a voice to share their opinions. We’re in a fiery time and, while we can debate over exactly how Continue reading SportsChump Sound Off: Athletes, Coaches, Fans, Reporters and Lines Crossed

What Fernando Valenzuela Meant To Me

Fernando Valenzuela passed away this week.  He was 64 years old.  That’s a fairly young age to have shuffled off this mortal coil. I say this because I’m 56 with creaky knees, a bad back and a permanently receded hairline.  Continue reading What Fernando Valenzuela Meant To Me

Going Back To Cali, Part Two: Oscars, Grammys and the Sunset Strip

I am an East Coast guy through and through.  Being three hours behind everything else makes me inherently anxious.  While I still selfishly think New York City holds everything one would ever want to see, and that there is no Continue reading Going Back To Cali, Part Two: Oscars, Grammys and the Sunset Strip

Going Back to Cali, Part One: The Statuesque Nature of Arena

It’s been a while since I’ve taken off work.  It’s been even longer than that since I’ve flown across the country. And it’s been even longer than that since I put my Stevie Ray Vaughn Rule into full effect, which Continue reading Going Back to Cali, Part One: The Statuesque Nature of Arena

Where Icons Go to Nap

I love Twitter.  I mean, I hate that it’s become a method for keyboard kings to spew hatred on a whim but if you can get past the nonsense, the application has become an amusing way to pass the time, Continue reading Where Icons Go to Nap

Cable cancels ESPN’s culture (and other confusing conundrums)

In 1994, Major League Baseball cancelled its World Series.  It was the first time in American history that had ever happened.  Our national pastime reminded all those watching that baseball was first and foremost, a business.  It was a shock Continue reading Cable cancels ESPN’s culture (and other confusing conundrums)

Heavy metal bands sing karaoke love songs: Just another Tuesday at the Joyce.

People routinely ask me how I can stand working karaoke night.  To these skeptics I reply with the same patented answer, which is “Are you kidding me?  It was my IDEA to host this karaoke night.” They roll their eyes Continue reading Heavy metal bands sing karaoke love songs: Just another Tuesday at the Joyce.

The ultimate sports weekend, Part One

The trip had been planned months in advance, my excursion to golf’s mecca, Augusta National, with the three best friends that anyone could have.  All we needed to do was win the admissions lottery.  Tickets to the Masters Tournament are Continue reading The ultimate sports weekend, Part One

And the Owls go… FAU, that’s Who!

FAU, that’s Florida Atlantic University for those of you keeping track at home, has done the unthinkable. In their first ever invite to the field of 68 college basketball teams vying for a national title, the Florida Atlantic Owls have Continue reading And the Owls go… FAU, that’s Who!