In defense of Todd Bowles

“Attitude reflects leadership.” Wood Harris as Julius Campbell in Remember the Titans I have this friend who shall remain nameless. Let’s just say he’s in my fantasy football league, which narrows it down to only nine other people, half of Continue reading In defense of Todd Bowles

Week 2 College and NFL Pick ‘Em: SportsChump vs The Wife Hates Sports vs J-Dub

I have a confession to make. I fell for the banana in the tailpipe. Have you ever had one of those gut-wrenching, bankroll-busting weekends where every wager you placed, every hunch you had, every fantasy player you started, was drop Continue reading Week 2 College and NFL Pick ‘Em: SportsChump vs The Wife Hates Sports vs J-Dub

Aaron Rodgers to the New York Jets a no-brainer regardless of outcome

Everyone’s talking about Aaron Rodgers, so I figured why not follow suit? If your off-season news feed has been filled with endless Aaron Rodgers updates, rest assured that’s just the way he wants it.  I’m not sure who’s running his Continue reading Aaron Rodgers to the New York Jets a no-brainer regardless of outcome

Shut the Funk Up, Volume 1: The Aaron Rodgers-Bootsy Collins edition

We are proud to introduce a new series here at SportsChump called Shut the Funk Up.  As we see fit, we will find someone prevalent in the world of sports who we would like to tell to “shut the funk Continue reading Shut the Funk Up, Volume 1: The Aaron Rodgers-Bootsy Collins edition

Quarterbacks, man

It’s not even football season yet and all I hear about is quarterbacks.  America’s obsession with the most high-profile position in sports has reached disturbing heights, some might say for good reason. Maybe that’s because we all miss football season Continue reading Quarterbacks, man

A tale of two coaches

Last Sunday afternoon, in the NFC Championship Game, we saw two different coaches make two different decisions at crucial moments of the game.  One coach’s more bold approach vaulted his team into the Super Bowl, the other’s, far more, timid Continue reading A tale of two coaches

Subtle racism and the “articulate” black athlete

I was enjoying a nice, peaceful round of golf the other afternoon when a waft of subtle racism caught my attention. I was mid-way through my round when I heard an older white gentleman in our group, whom I had Continue reading Subtle racism and the “articulate” black athlete

Max guys, whiny GMs and the current state of the NBA

With all the millions of dollars being thrown around the NBA this summer, it was only a matter of time before we heard some disgruntled, and as-of-yet anonymous, NBA GM complain about the salaries of his employees.  God bless the Continue reading Max guys, whiny GMs and the current state of the NBA

Salary disparities and the NFL quarterback contract: Guess who’s missing from this year’s playoffs.

Upon a recent, giggly cellphone conversation about football and all things otherwise, Croshere and I broke into a discussion about the current state of the NFL and more specifically the contracts offered the league’s highest-profiled position.  Croshere’s hypothesis, which we’re Continue reading Salary disparities and the NFL quarterback contract: Guess who’s missing from this year’s playoffs.

The good, the bad and the 7th annual over/under contest winner

The NFL calendar is officially over yet here we are again… talking about football. To finally put this season to rest, I thought I’d generate some discussion on the good and bad that was this football season, the pleasant surprises Continue reading The good, the bad and the 7th annual over/under contest winner