And then there were four… or were there? The great American band contest hits a roadblock

We cannot be trusted. At the very beginning of this “You Vote for the Greatest American Band of All-Time” contest, I knew people were going to be pissed if their favorite bands didn’t advance.  64 acts entered, only one could Continue reading And then there were four… or were there? The great American band contest hits a roadblock

And then there were eight…

Upon scouring the internet last week, I realized we live in a country where both Jewel and Kenny G boast two of the top 50 selling albums of all-time.  That revelation was enough to make me scratch my head and Continue reading And then there were eight…

SportsChump’s Great American Band Contest turns 16

A few things have come to light after hosting the first two rounds of this contest to end all rock contests. A quick look at our Sweet Emotion Sixteen, which we’ll get to in just a bit, doesn’t hold all Continue reading SportsChump’s Great American Band Contest turns 16

Twitter completes my Sunday with Fake Rock and Roll Facts hashtag

I woke up late Sunday morning needing a relaxing day in front of me. I had worked tirelessly for eight of the last nine days.  My Larry Bird-like back needed a rest and my Larry Bird-like skin tone was in Continue reading Twitter completes my Sunday with Fake Rock and Roll Facts hashtag