Sights, sounds and suggestions on the Orlando Magic

I experienced a moment of sheer nervousness scant minutes before the Magic game was about to start.  Having arrived ninety minutes before tip-off to catch a glimpse of the five, future Hall of Famers that would grace the floor that Continue reading Sights, sounds and suggestions on the Orlando Magic

Tampa Bay has an NBA team! So now what do I do?

Dear Readers, I’m in a quagmire, a quandary, a mid-state scrum if you will.  So, I turn to you and ask, what is a dedicated roundball fan to do? Thanks wholeheartedly to coronavirus, the NBA has announced that the Toronto Continue reading Tampa Bay has an NBA team! So now what do I do?

Orlando, Memphis and a Penny for your thoughts

I heard a recent radio interview with Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway on the Sirius/XM NBA channel.  For those of you in your twenties unfamiliar with the name, there was once a time where a kid nick-named Penny, because his grandmother named Continue reading Orlando, Memphis and a Penny for your thoughts

Two sports movies that were well ahead of their time

We can go on debating which are the greatest sports movies of all-time; the list is abundant. But to me, two forgotten, early-90s sports movies stand out as underrated and particularly telling considering all that’s going on in sports nearly Continue reading Two sports movies that were well ahead of their time

The woes of determining the Orlando Magic’s greatest player ever

As a sports fan and furiously obsessed sports blogger, I subscribe to various online updates.  As a Magic fan, the Orlando Sentinel is one of those.