In defense of Todd Bowles

“Attitude reflects leadership.” Wood Harris as Julius Campbell in Remember the Titans I have this friend who shall remain nameless. Let’s just say he’s in my fantasy football league, which narrows it down to only nine other people, half of Continue reading In defense of Todd Bowles

A tale of two coaches

Last Sunday afternoon, in the NFC Championship Game, we saw two different coaches make two different decisions at crucial moments of the game.  One coach’s more bold approach vaulted his team into the Super Bowl, the other’s, far more, timid Continue reading A tale of two coaches

So close and yet so far away; Bucs’ Super Bowl winning quarterback falls short against another

‘Twas a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Tampa Bay, particularly for reigning MVP Patrick Mahomes who, along with Tyreke Hill, treated the Buccaneers secondary like his own personal pincushion. For the other former MVP on the field that day, the outcome Continue reading So close and yet so far away; Bucs’ Super Bowl winning quarterback falls short against another

Tom Brady is a Tampa Bay Buccaneer… and other things I never thought I’d hear in my lifetime

Many a people go fishing for big prize off the coastline of Tampa/St. Pete. Rarely do any of them ever catch a fish this big. That’s right, Tampa Bay, what was once thought only a pipedream appears to have become Continue reading Tom Brady is a Tampa Bay Buccaneer… and other things I never thought I’d hear in my lifetime

Twitter celebrates the roller-coaster ride that is Jameis Winston

In a first half of football that saw Jameis Winston turn the ball over three times, go down by two touchdowns, then lead his team back only to lose to the Houston Texans, both Twitter and Tampa were abuzz. I’m Continue reading Twitter celebrates the roller-coaster ride that is Jameis Winston

Thoughts on a wild, wild few weeks of sports: Chumpservations revisited (Vol. 39)

“What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?” Slim Pickens as Taggart in Blazing Saddles, 1974 It’s been a while since I’ve put some random thoughts down on paper. Between holidays, birthdays and deaths in the Continue reading Thoughts on a wild, wild few weeks of sports: Chumpservations revisited (Vol. 39)

Oh, the horror: Six NFL teams I can’t bear to watch

Man, there are some bad football teams out there. Let’s kick a few while they’re down, shall we? Every season, it seems like there are the New England Patriots, some really good contenders and the rest who are just shuffling Continue reading Oh, the horror: Six NFL teams I can’t bear to watch

0-For-Quarterbacks: The Tampa Bay Way

I am allergic to cat dander. My girlfriend is allergic to latex. Unfortunately for their fans, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers organization suffers from a far worse affliction. They… are allergic to quarterbacks. Lost in the woefulness of Jameis Winston’s three Continue reading 0-For-Quarterbacks: The Tampa Bay Way

Bruce Arians hired, Tampa Bay skeptical

In 2008, Tampa Bay hired a man named Barry Melrose to coach their beloved hockey team.  That experiment lasted only 16 games.  Fortunately, it wasn’t long afterwards that the organization found the man they wanted in Jon Cooper, who has Continue reading Bruce Arians hired, Tampa Bay skeptical

Week Twelve Against the Spread Pick ‘Em: SportsChump vs. KP vs. Ken Fang

My car’s thermostat read 40 degrees Fahrenheit as I drove home from work the other night.  Can I get a Brrrrr!!!! from the congregation… or just raise your hand, assuming it’s not frozen stuck to your keyboard. I live in Continue reading Week Twelve Against the Spread Pick ‘Em: SportsChump vs. KP vs. Ken Fang