Twitter celebrates May the Fourth

Geeks of the world unite! A day before we invented one American holiday (Cinco de Mayo), Star Wars fans, of which there are plenty, have invented a holiday all their own.  It’s called May the Fourth, which is obviously a Continue reading Twitter celebrates May the Fourth

Twitter celebrates St. Patrick’s Day in song… sort of

As the dust settles on another, wild St. Patrick’s Day weekend, those who partied hearty begin their recovery and those employed by Irish pubs recover a little harder. As many of you know, I work in one of Tampa Bay’s Continue reading Twitter celebrates St. Patrick’s Day in song… sort of


The NBA season is once again upon us, my friends.  I was saving this Twitter hashtag for just the occasion. Thanks to the twisted minds of Chris Hardwick and Comedy Central, we can now take our basketball and our movies, Continue reading #BasketballMovies