Going Back To Cali, Part Two: Oscars, Grammys and the Sunset Strip

I am an East Coast guy through and through.  Being three hours behind everything else makes me inherently anxious.  While I still selfishly think New York City holds everything one would ever want to see, and that there is no Continue reading Going Back To Cali, Part Two: Oscars, Grammys and the Sunset Strip

Where Icons Go to Nap

I love Twitter.  I mean, I hate that it’s become a method for keyboard kings to spew hatred on a whim but if you can get past the nonsense, the application has become an amusing way to pass the time, Continue reading Where Icons Go to Nap

SportsChump Summer Concert Series, Part VI: Hard Rock Funk with a side of hip-hop. Rage Against the Machine Reborn as the Prophets of Rage

There’s a lot out there to protest these days. We have highly, publicized incidents of police brutality, growing social unrest, continued and often rampant discrimination and the overall sense of unease with an upcoming presidential election the kind America hasn’t Continue reading SportsChump Summer Concert Series, Part VI: Hard Rock Funk with a side of hip-hop. Rage Against the Machine Reborn as the Prophets of Rage