SportsChump Sound Off: Athletes, Coaches, Fans, Reporters and Lines Crossed

What’s the point of running an award-winning blog if not to a) have a voice and b) call upon others with a voice to share their opinions. We’re in a fiery time and, while we can debate over exactly how Continue reading SportsChump Sound Off: Athletes, Coaches, Fans, Reporters and Lines Crossed

Where Icons Go to Nap

I love Twitter.  I mean, I hate that it’s become a method for keyboard kings to spew hatred on a whim but if you can get past the nonsense, the application has become an amusing way to pass the time, Continue reading Where Icons Go to Nap

SportsChump channels inner horse whisperer; Predicts winner of Kentucky Derby

“Oh, this baby loves the slop. Loves it, eats it up. Eats the slop. Born in the slop. His father was a mudder. His mother was a mudder.” – Michael Richards as Kramer, Seinfeld episode “The Subway,” originally aired, Jan. Continue reading SportsChump channels inner horse whisperer; Predicts winner of Kentucky Derby

Week 3 College and NFL Pick ‘Em: SportsChump vs The Wife Hates Sports vs Doctor Milhouse

That’s a little more like it. Last week wasn’t the easiest week to pick games but there was some low-hanging fruit you could have taken advantage of.  Look no further for proof of that fruit than Kevin, J-Dub and I Continue reading Week 3 College and NFL Pick ‘Em: SportsChump vs The Wife Hates Sports vs Doctor Milhouse

Successful “reverse jinx” ploy results in mass confusion

“We mock what we don’t understand.” Dan Aykroyd as Austin Millbarge, Spies Like Us, 1985 There seems to be some confusion regarding my recent “Miami Heat future/Derrick White putback/Heat have no chance to win Game Seven” post, so here I Continue reading Successful “reverse jinx” ploy results in mass confusion

Unimaginable underdog parlay undoes Doctor Milhouse

There is a scene near the end of My Cousin Vinny that recently drew uncanny comparison to real live events, so much so that I thought I’d been planted smack dab in the movie set courtroom, with an awkward Joe Continue reading Unimaginable underdog parlay undoes Doctor Milhouse

Spotty Coverage, 66-Yard Field Goals, Missed Four-Teamers and My New Favorite Underdog: In Other Words, Just Another Weekend of Glorious Football

As you all know, Dr. Milhouse and I have a gambling problem… although as any seasoned gambler will tell you, it’s not the gambling that’s the problem, it’s the losing. Fortunately, we didn’t do too much of that this weekend.  Continue reading Spotty Coverage, 66-Yard Field Goals, Missed Four-Teamers and My New Favorite Underdog: In Other Words, Just Another Weekend of Glorious Football

2021 Week 3: The Wife Hates SportsChump and Dr. Milhouse boards the Edmund Fitzgerald

As we continue onward with this weekly exercise, I want to be very clear about what we’re doing.  Yes, this is a competition between me, our celebrity guests and that guy named Kevin who runs that other website.  However, it Continue reading 2021 Week 3: The Wife Hates SportsChump and Dr. Milhouse boards the Edmund Fitzgerald

Twitter fights and bar brawls: A tale of friends and elections

Two very dear, very close and very intelligent friends of mine have apparently started internet warfare with celebrities of the 1980s… and it’s getting ugly.  I’m talking big hair, mullet-sporting, parachute pants kind of ugly. In our current state of Continue reading Twitter fights and bar brawls: A tale of friends and elections