The night we saw the greatest basketball player on the planet, or what Nikola Jokic, Bob Ross and George Clinton all have in common

Poor Jonathan Isaac. And by poor, I don’t mean in the literal sense of the word. Jonathan Isaac is a God-fearing young man who makes $25 million a year playing for the Orlando Magic. I mean poor in the proverbial Continue reading The night we saw the greatest basketball player on the planet, or what Nikola Jokic, Bob Ross and George Clinton all have in common

Celtics no answer for Steph Curry’s greatness

“This one hits a little different.” -Steph Curry, Golden State Warriors, four-time NBA Champion With minutes left to play in Game Six of the NBA Finals, on the infamous parquet floor some 3000 miles from where he plays his home Continue reading Celtics no answer for Steph Curry’s greatness

A fitting end, a new beginning: The Milwaukee Bucks are your NBA champions

The sun shone bright in Milwaukee on Wednesday morning.  A fair portion of the town’s constituents probably woke up with a beer-induced hangover but also, a smile.  For the first time in fifty years, longer than the majority of their Continue reading A fitting end, a new beginning: The Milwaukee Bucks are your NBA champions

Discrediting the NBA MVP Award

Kenny Smith tells one of my favorite NBA stories. It was May 1995 and San Antonio Spurs center David Robinson had just been awarded his first and only regular season MVP.  Later that evening, in Game Two of the Western Continue reading Discrediting the NBA MVP Award


The NBA season is once again upon us, my friends.  I was saving this Twitter hashtag for just the occasion. Thanks to the twisted minds of Chris Hardwick and Comedy Central, we can now take our basketball and our movies, Continue reading #BasketballMovies

The greatest two words in sports

I feel giddy, like a wide-eyed kid on Christmas morning hustling down the stairs to unwrap the biggest, baddest, most glorious present under that fancily-decorated tree. The only difference is that Adam Silver is starring as the role of a Continue reading The greatest two words in sports

Michael, Manny, Money and the Dream: Whatever won’t be won’t be

One of my favorite hypothetical sports arguments of all-time is who would have won a Finals match-up between Michael Jordan’s Bulls and Hakeem Olajuwon’s Houston Rockets.  Strictly speaking, it’s an argument nobody can prove hence my use of the word Continue reading Michael, Manny, Money and the Dream: Whatever won’t be won’t be

Dwight Howard shits, gets off pot; now Houston’s problem

And finally, it’s over. Like the armful of heavy grocery bags we struggle to carry up three flights of stairs to ultimately rest on our kitchen countertop, our burden has finally been relieved.  Dwight Howard has a home and that Continue reading Dwight Howard shits, gets off pot; now Houston’s problem