Beating the Rock, Vol 1.: Live Wagering and Foul Trouble

I may have found a glitch in the Matrix.  Either that, or I’m one step closer to losing my mind.  You be the judge. Now that you can legally gamble on sports in 38 of 50 states, as anyone who Continue reading Beating the Rock, Vol 1.: Live Wagering and Foul Trouble

ESPN takes on gambling: J-Dub and SportsChump discuss… again

I have these friends, you see?  They work at the local Hard Rock casino and are strategically placed throughout the reservation grounds.  They work at restaurants and bars.  They deal at card tables, working hard for the man at a Continue reading ESPN takes on gambling: J-Dub and SportsChump discuss… again

Tales from the Hard Rock, Vol. 6: My cellphone’s newest application and a sportsbook in waiting

I placed a wager yesterday. This wager, however, was different from all other wagers I’d ever placed and I’ve been doing this for the shy side of two decades. As of November 2, 2021, Florida residents such as myself can Continue reading Tales from the Hard Rock, Vol. 6: My cellphone’s newest application and a sportsbook in waiting

A Sorta Kinda Point-CounterPoint with SportsChump and J-Dub: The Legalization of Sports Gambling

Introduction by SportsChump: I got a text recently from a buddy we call ManRam.  We call him that because his name is actually… Manny Ramirez.  He may not have his namesake’s sweet baseball swing (although his golf swing is solid) Continue reading A Sorta Kinda Point-CounterPoint with SportsChump and J-Dub: The Legalization of Sports Gambling

Tales from the Hard Rock, Vol. 5: The high hand and the jinx

I visited my local Hard Rock the other night a little earlier than normal. Some friends and I were slated to play some golf that afternoon but as anyone who lives in the immediate Tampa Bay area will tell you, Continue reading Tales from the Hard Rock, Vol. 5: The high hand and the jinx

US Supreme Court declares gambling legal at Bushwood

I gamble. Occasionally, I gamble legally on the often friendly, sometimes not so much Indian grounds of my local Hard Rock Casino. Other times, and far more often, I gamble illegally, through means which shall remain nameless #DrMilhouse. I (and Continue reading US Supreme Court declares gambling legal at Bushwood

‘John Daly’s random casino sighting and the missed opportunity at a caption contest’ caption contest

I’m pissed. I went to the casino after work the other night to unwind with a well-needed cigar and who do I see walking near the center bar but none other than the golden-haired, occasionally alcoholic, former British Open champion, Continue reading ‘John Daly’s random casino sighting and the missed opportunity at a caption contest’ caption contest

Tales from the Hard Rock, Vols. 1 and 2

  This post goes to show that lightning can strike twice… if you’re lucky enough. Months ago, I was going to write a feel-good story about friendship, gambling and how SportsChump finally got the better end of a woman scorned.  Continue reading Tales from the Hard Rock, Vols. 1 and 2