I will never speak ill of Jay Cutler again and here’s why

The Feds recently shut down a huge, private gambling pool.  They confiscated nearly $2.5 million from the two gentlemen who ran it and its now, pretty-pissed off participants.  The gambling ring in question was an eliminator/suicide style pool called Ron Continue reading I will never speak ill of Jay Cutler again and here’s why

Not only college teams dance this March, Twitter’s commentary on NFL free agency

College basketball’s March Madness isn’t the only dance craze sweeping the nation this month.  In 32 cities around the country, NFL GMs, coaches and owners sit in their war rooms and discuss doling out higher salaries than those given to Continue reading Not only college teams dance this March, Twitter’s commentary on NFL free agency

SportsChump’s NFL Picks Against the World – Week Five

Textbooks in hand, I walked nervously into my advisor’s office, some million moons ago.  He wasn’t so much my advisor as much as he was the designated advisor for about 30,000 other students a year who chose to study liberal Continue reading SportsChump’s NFL Picks Against the World – Week Five

Debunking the Clean Slate Myth

How many times have you heard it? It’s the beginning of the football season and “every team starts with a clean slate.” That’s laughable. While it’s certainly mathematically logical to say that all 32 NFL teams have a chance at Continue reading Debunking the Clean Slate Myth

NFL quarterbacks: Still crazy after all these years

“They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky.  They’re all together ooky.” –   Addams Family theme song 32 men. That’s it. Only 32 men out of several hundred million that live in this country get to be the starting quarterback Continue reading NFL quarterbacks: Still crazy after all these years

Ten pressing questions for the 2015 NFL season

If we had a crystal ball to tell us what’s going to happen this NFL season, we’d all be millionaires.  Unfortunately, Lady Cleo and Dionne Warwick have cornered the market on clairvoyance so you and I are going to have Continue reading Ten pressing questions for the 2015 NFL season

Week Sixteen Against the Spread Pick ‘Em: SportsChump vs. KP vs The Ice Cream Man

Years ago, at the end of every Monday Night Football game, once the contest was out of reach, MNF mainstay Don Meredith would break out in tune. “The party’s over.  It’s time to call it a day.” Well, with two Continue reading Week Sixteen Against the Spread Pick ‘Em: SportsChump vs. KP vs The Ice Cream Man

Week Fourteen Against the Spread Pick ‘Em: SportsChump vs. KP vs. Rising Storms

I like where this is headed. Three straight weeks of picking games at over a 50% clip has narrowed the gap between me and my opponents, aka the bad guys, and earned me back some respectability.  In fact, I’m only Continue reading Week Fourteen Against the Spread Pick ‘Em: SportsChump vs. KP vs. Rising Storms

NFL Week Five Against the Spread Pick ‘Em: SportsChump vs. KP vs. Speedbeagle

Okay, so I’m starting to feel a little better about myself.  On what was a pretty difficult week to pick games, the Chump actually went 8-4-1 while his opponents both went 6-7, leading to the inexplicable urge to refer to Continue reading NFL Week Five Against the Spread Pick ‘Em: SportsChump vs. KP vs. Speedbeagle

ACo and the NFL: Week 1 Reflections and Week 2 Picks

ACo is the Sports Chump’s first ever contributing writer. As a recent graduate of the University of Michigan, ACo has resorted to blogging to help dull the pain of going from frat life to corporate monotony.