What Fernando Valenzuela Meant To Me

Fernando Valenzuela passed away this week.  He was 64 years old.  That’s a fairly young age to have shuffled off this mortal coil. I say this because I’m 56 with creaky knees, a bad back and a permanently receded hairline.  Continue reading What Fernando Valenzuela Meant To Me

Why 21 doesn’t matter

The Cleveland Indians have won 21 straight baseball games.  That’s a new Major League record, which is pretty impressive considering the sport, for better or for worse, has been around since anyone reading this website has been alive. That’s right, Continue reading Why 21 doesn’t matter

Initial Thoughts on the 2014 MLB Playoffs

Stat Of The Day No sport has bastardized the use of the statistic more than Major League Baseball. Here’s proof. Headed into the bottom of the fourth inning of Game Two of the ALDS between Detroit and Baltimore, Victor Martinez Continue reading Initial Thoughts on the 2014 MLB Playoffs

Ripping paper/laughing baby: A metaphor for modern sports

Aside from being possibly the cutest thing you’ve ever seen on the internet, it occurred to me that the following video serves as the perfect metaphor for sports today.

The biggest eff yous in sports: 2011 edition

“I see you drivin’ ‘round town with the girl I love, and I’m like….” -Cee Lo Green

Impersonating Real Life: Elvis, Lady Gaga, the Beastie Boys and sports

My week seeing Elvis, Lady Gaga and Beastie Boys impersonators Continue reading Impersonating Real Life: Elvis, Lady Gaga, the Beastie Boys and sports