SportsChump Sound Off: Athletes, Coaches, Fans, Reporters and Lines Crossed

What’s the point of running an award-winning blog if not to a) have a voice and b) call upon others with a voice to share their opinions. We’re in a fiery time and, while we can debate over exactly how Continue reading SportsChump Sound Off: Athletes, Coaches, Fans, Reporters and Lines Crossed

Debating the Second Superman: SportsChump and Michael Lortz discuss a Dwight Howard return to the Magic and the possible retirement of his number

It began with a simple Tweet. One afternoon, while wasting time on the internet, I happened upon a Twitter (X) post that suggested the Orlando Magic should retire Dwight Howard’s number and sign him to a final contract that would Continue reading Debating the Second Superman: SportsChump and Michael Lortz discuss a Dwight Howard return to the Magic and the possible retirement of his number

Book Review: Curveball at the Crossroads by Michael Lortz

It’s an odd thing when a friend asks you to review his book. I’ve reviewed countless books on this website over the years but I can’t say I’ve ever known any of the authors personally.  Besides, what if this friend Continue reading Book Review: Curveball at the Crossroads by Michael Lortz