Nick Saban’s stance on NIL proves dinosaurs still roam Planet Earth

Let’s ruffle some feathers, shall we? Far be it from me to criticize the man who is commonly considered the greatest college football coach of all time, or at least of this generation, but Nick Saban has just released his Continue reading Nick Saban’s stance on NIL proves dinosaurs still roam Planet Earth

Five teams, four slots, you choose: College football’s latest dilemma

“This is another fine mess you’ve gotten us into, Stanley.” -Oliver Hardy Have you ever felt like a dog chasing its own tail?  I mean, not just about life in general, but where you’re trying to solve a problem where Continue reading Five teams, four slots, you choose: College football’s latest dilemma

Exercises in Patience: Anthony Richardson, Jim Harbaugh, Shaquille O’Neal, and the straw polls that broke the camel’s back

Every time I think about whether a franchise should keep a player, or perhaps more importantly whether a fan base has turned on a player, I can’t help but think about what went down in Orlando in the summer of Continue reading Exercises in Patience: Anthony Richardson, Jim Harbaugh, Shaquille O’Neal, and the straw polls that broke the camel’s back

Remember March Madness? You’re about to get reacquainted

Attention K-Mart shoppers and sports gamblers alike! There will be a March Madness this year!  I repeat… there will be a March Madness this year! I don’t need to remind everyone currently reading this website that there was no Final Continue reading Remember March Madness? You’re about to get reacquainted

Ohio State odds don’t justify premature panic

I love a healthy dose of recency bias, especially when you parlay it with a pinch of panic and a just a hint of woe is me. With only four, completed football games under their belt, Ohio State Buckeyes fans Continue reading Ohio State odds don’t justify premature panic

A bothersome tennis fan in king football’s court: A tale of misplaced priorities and tested patience

Let’s speak hypothetically for a moment. Let’s pretend this event that’s about to unfold didn’t actually happen.  I mean, because it didn’t.  It couldn’t possibly have. Let’s pretend for one second that on college football’s opening Saturday that a theoretical Continue reading A bothersome tennis fan in king football’s court: A tale of misplaced priorities and tested patience

Florida gets it right, ESPN gets it wrong… again

Upon hearing the news that the University of Florida had won its first ever College World Series, an old college roommate suggested that I jot down a little something to celebrate the team’s rather unlikely victory. So I am. But Continue reading Florida gets it right, ESPN gets it wrong… again

Knowing Your Place:  What College Sports Programs and Booty Calls Have in Common

I used to have a friend, still do actually, who used to preach the expression “Know your place” when it came to women and relationships. I would talk to him regularly about my goings on with the opposite sex.  Many Continue reading Knowing Your Place:  What College Sports Programs and Booty Calls Have in Common

The thin line between love and hate is exactly 48 hours

You sit right down at your family’s Thanksgiving table and are surrounded by the ones you love… and a few strays you barely know but who were nice enough to bring dessert so you nod and pretend to know their Continue reading The thin line between love and hate is exactly 48 hours

Sports Snobbery, Episode Six: Chris Webber, the time out, a car wash and the pregnant lady who wanted none of the above

Dear God, help us all. The world as we know it is crumbling all around us with people literally knowing nothing about sports.  I can see I’m going to have to start handing out more business cards. Last Sunday started Continue reading Sports Snobbery, Episode Six: Chris Webber, the time out, a car wash and the pregnant lady who wanted none of the above