Point-Counterpoint: J-Dub and SportsChump address the Brian Flores lawsuit

There are two types of watershed moments.  There are those that we don’t necessarily see as tipping points while they’re happening.  Then there are those that, the moment we hear about them, we understand that from that point on, things Continue reading Point-Counterpoint: J-Dub and SportsChump address the Brian Flores lawsuit

Ranking the Racists: Jon Gruden

Years ago, on his weekly radio show, Jim Rome would begin his Mondays wondering whether he would get through the week without talking about someone in sports doing something asinine.  This would range from the inane to the profane, from Continue reading Ranking the Racists: Jon Gruden

Quarterbacks say the darnedest things: The Drew Brees edition

We live in an odd time, where racial tension is as high – and high profile – as it has been in my lifetime.  That’s over a half century, folks.  File the latest Drew Brees soundbite into the annals of Continue reading Quarterbacks say the darnedest things: The Drew Brees edition

Subtle racism and the “articulate” black athlete

I was enjoying a nice, peaceful round of golf the other afternoon when a waft of subtle racism caught my attention. I was mid-way through my round when I heard an older white gentleman in our group, whom I had Continue reading Subtle racism and the “articulate” black athlete