Fancy meeting you here: Golden State and Cleveland renew their vows in NBA Finals

“Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson?  That is the sound of inevitability.” –          Hugo Weaving to Keanu Reeves in The Matrix Stop me if you’ve heard this before.  The Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors are meeting once again in Continue reading Fancy meeting you here: Golden State and Cleveland renew their vows in NBA Finals

Chumpservations, Vol. 21: The Fighter, Spencer Whipple, Barry Bonds, spam and having fun with parallel parking

What do spam, Barry Bonds, Spencer Whipple, parallel parking and “The Fighter” all have in common? They’re all on my mind, that’s what. Continue reading Chumpservations, Vol. 21: The Fighter, Spencer Whipple, Barry Bonds, spam and having fun with parallel parking